The cost of running a restaurant can be high, with overhead costs such as rent, labor, and equipment. But what if there was a way to reduce these costs and still serve delicious food? Enter ghost kitchens. Ghost kitchens are a relatively new concept that has emerged in the last two years, offering an efficient and cost-effective way to expand your restaurant business. Ghost kitchens are essentially restaurants without a physical space for customers to eat.
Instead, they are designed to prepare orders for delivery using third-party applications such as Grubhub, UberEats, and DoorDash, or with their own delivery operation. As a result, they usually don't have a visible showcase. With a ghost kitchen, you rent from an owner in facilities such as Kitchens United or Cloud Kitchens, which are usually found in densely populated areas. From there, you include your brand in an application like UberEats or DoorDash and (hopefully) you start getting customers.
You then ship the orders from the rented kitchen space. The ghost kitchen offers a variety of products related to popular brands (such as T-BONES chicken pie), as well as some takeaway dinner options that just need to be reheated. Ghost kitchens reduce the cost of real estate and labor by reducing the restaurant model to adapt to off-site food sales. Each CloudKitchens ghost kitchen comes fully equipped with the proprietary software needed to offer you better tracking and actionable data.
If you don't have experience in the food industry, ghost kitchens may seem like a great way to test your food concepts. Since your presence is digital with ghost kitchens, you can further maximize your exposure with several brands that are left without a single kitchen. The delivery revolution has given rise to completely new types of businesses that hope to capitalize on this trend, but the strangest (and most controversial) thing is the ghost kitchen, a unique innovation of the 21st century that promises to optimize 26% and expand the delivery service at a (apparently) minimum cost. All of that, when put together, largely explains why businessmen, chefs, and investors want to eat their share of the pies from the ghost kitchen. Unlike virtual restaurants, ghost kitchens don't have to worry about managing several things at once, such as serving customers and entertaining guests in the waiting room.
These ghost kitchen facilities are not found inside a restaurant, so they only serve home deliveries. Interestingly, ghost kitchens are run both by individual gastronomic entrepreneurs starting out for the first time and by established virtual restaurants alike. Kitchen United, for example, offers a turnkey model, which offers a safe kitchen with appliances and kitchen utensils. Similar to delivery at a traditional restaurant, customers contact the ghost kitchen through the restaurant's website or mobile application or through a third-party delivery application. As with scheduling a physical branch, you'll need to schedule Ghost Kitchen employees well in advance, create a process and deadline for accepting scheduling requests from employees, and try to give your employees two consecutive days off a week.